
China’s Xi calls for “peaceful” reunification with Taiwan | world

Kuo added that Taipei said it “needs to show that Taiwan has the ability to stave off China’s threat” as Beijing becomes “overconfident”.

In recent years, the national holiday celebration has shown choreographed performances by the motorcycle-riding military police and overflights by the island’s air force. However, missiles were not part of this ad.

“I think this is supposed to raise the morale of the people in Taiwan,” said Fan Shih-ping, professor of political science at National Taiwan Normal University.

Taiwan’s leader Tsai has given national defense a higher priority than her predecessor from the more China-friendly Nationalist Party by reviving the island’s shipbuilding industry and commissioning a program to build submarines domestically. She has also launched reforms in the military, including improving services for military personnel and even improving the quality of the food served in the mess.

Taiwan Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng told lawmakers on Wednesday that the situation with China is “the worst in the 40 years since I was called up”. Chiu later told reporters that he believed China would have “extensive” capabilities to invade Taiwan by 2025.

Taiwan has ruled itself since the split, but its sovereignty has been denied by Beijing, which refuses to forego the ability to take control of the island by force. Beijing has also sought to isolate Taiwan internationally by excluding it from the United Nations and other international organizations, and by resisting official contacts between its government and states that recognize China, particularly the United States, which are legally bound to make threats against Taipei as a matter of “deep concern.”