
College Hosts Special Scholarship Ceremony to Commemorate “The Rev.”

				                                Photo Contributed Pictured is the late Rev. Ricky Jacobs, former chaplain of the Richmond County Raiders' sports teams.  His family established a scholarship at Richmond Community College in his memory

Contributed photo

Pictured is the late Rev. Ricky Jacobs, former chaplain of the Richmond County Raiders’ sports teams. His family established a scholarship at Richmond Community College in his memory

HAMLET – Richmond Community College will hold a special Rev Scholarship Establishment ceremony on October 23rd in memory of the late Rev. Ricky Jacobs, former chaplain of the Richmond County Raiders’ sports teams.

“Ricky Jacobs spent 30 years on the sidelines of every Raiders game, providing spiritual support and guidance to countless young men and women,” said Dr. Hal Shuler, Associate Vice President of Development at RichmondCC.

Shuler was also the Raiders’ head football coach from 1991 to 1996 and sports director from 2001 to 2007, so he knew the “Rev”. good, as he was affectionately called by everyone.

“If there was an athletic competition on the Raider campus, you could find the Rev there cheering them on,” Shuler said. “He didn’t miss a lot of games at Richmond Senior High School or local middle schools.”

Jacobs, 68, died on September 25, 2021 after months of struggling with health complications. As a US Army veteran, he served for 36 years. He spent 34 of these years as pastor of the Southside Free Will Baptist Church in Ellerbe. Jacobs also spent some time as a substitute teacher at Richmond Senior High.

“Raider athletics has lost its biggest fan. Raider games won’t be the same without him, “Richmond Senior High School director Jim Butler tweeted shortly after the news of Jacobs’ death.

Football coach Bryan Till has had the pleasure of having Jacobs on his sideline for the past four years.

“Rev. was a larger than life presence that loved Jesus Christ and loved people. I can still hear his laugh and see his face on the sidelines and in my office. He has spent countless hours in this area for children and families and wanted nothing more than to see the joy on their faces during a victorious competition, ”said Till. “I am grateful for the time I was able to spend with him, for his friendship and for the hope to see him again later in heaven. It is a hope that I know many have thanks to his ongoing message about Jesus. “

Established by the RichmondCC Foundation, the Rev Scholarship is awarded to former Richmond Raiders athletes who complete a degree or employee training with RichmondCC. The scholarship was funded through gifts from friends, family, former players, former coaches and many Raiders fans.

“Ricky wanted the best for everything he came in contact with,” Shuler said. “This scholarship is a way to remember Ricky, but more importantly, to help all Raider athletes who want to continue their education beyond high school and improve their lives with a college degree or professional training.”

The college will hold a special scholarship and fundraising ceremony in the Robinette building on Saturday, October 23rd at 6:00 p.m. Everyone who has felt the special blessing of Rev. Ricky Jacobs is invited to celebrate their life and contribution to Richmond County. For more information, contact Shuler at (910) 410-1807 or email [email protected]

Wylie Bell is the public relations director for Richmond Community College.